Updated Protocols for Provisional and Definitive Cementation of Indirect Dental Restorations
Presenter: Dr. Bob Lowe
Release Date: 9/17/13
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 9/17/28
AGD Subject Code: 610
Reviewed: 2025
Most indirect dental restorations are luted to preparations using one of four types of dental cements: 1) Glass Ionomer Cements, 2) Resin Modified Ionomer Cements, 3) Resin Cements, which require the use of total etch technique and dentin adhesives on the tooth structure prior to the luting process, and 4) Self Etching Resin Cements. Improved properties in this last category of cements including, improvements in self cure mode and bonding to zirconia, will be discussed. It is important to note that no cement will perform to its utmost clinically without an adequate preparation that includes good resistance and retention form.
In this CE webinar, Dr. Lowe will discuss clinical techniques and protocols for indirect cementation of both provisional and definitive restorations. Provisional cementation will be discussed as an integral part of the indirect delivery process for preparation protection and tissue management. The student will come away from this webinar with a more thorough understanding of the cementation process and which cements perform the best when coupled with the variety of restorative materials, both all ceramic and metal based, that are currently available.
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