Cementing Long Term Results for Your Patients
Presenter: Dr. Hugh Flax
Release Date: 12/10/13
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 12/10/28
AGD Subject Code: 610
Reviewed: 2025
Final cementation of a single or group of indirect restorations is the culmination of a great deal of hard work in tooth preparation (and possible dentin fortification); exquisite impression making and temporization; lab engineering and artistry; and chair side fine-tuning minor occlusal and contact issues. The grand finale is proper cementation of your adhesive or cohesive restoration. Given the crowded market of cement choices and the multitude of restorative options (metal; Porcelain metal: all ceramic Zirconia or Lithium Disilicate), cementation choices are critical to long term results.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, attendees will be able to: 1. Learn many contemporary considerations for cementation choices 2. Understand key chemical properties that will help increase predictability for you and your patients. 3. Discover two advanced cements for seating adhesive and cohesive restorations.
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