Cementation GPS - Navigating the Complicated World of Cementation Today
Presenter: Dr. Parag Kachalia
Release Date: 2/17/16
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 2/17/28
AGD Subject Code: 250
Reviewed: 2025
The days of having one cement for all restorations in our practices are well past us. In years past the vast majority of indirect restorations that were being delivered were metal based and the cementation process for these restorations was relatively simple. Today we live in a world where a number of new materials are available ranging from primarily resin based indirect restorations through polycrystalline restorations such as monolithic zirconia. This CE webinar will discuss the best practices of cementation with respect to each of these restorations as well as provisional restorations and help ease the confusion that exists around cementation today.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student will • Be exposed to cementation of provisional restorations • Understand the difference between self adhesive resin cements and bonded resin cements • Gain an overview of the use of primers on lithium disilicate and zirconia based restorations • Be exposed to the world of bioactive cements
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