Prosthodontic Potpourri - Diagnosis to Delivery of All-Ceramic Restorations
Presenter: Dr. Miles Cone
Release Date: 8/23/16
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 8/23/28
AGD Subject Code: 610
Reviewed: 2025
The demand for improved dental aesthetics has led to rapid advancements in technology and techniques that blur the lines between the chair and the bench. As a consequence, today’s restorative dentist is obligated to partake in roles that span the gamut of the profession, ranging from clinician to laboratory technician. Through the implementation of case studies, this CE webinar aims to illustrate the key steps involved in the successful realization of treatment plans utilizing all-ceramic restorations.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student will • learn to determine the most appropriate restorative sequence (including wax-up, shade selection, and prep design) material selection and laboratory communication for treatment planning definitive all-ceramic restorations • Review options for tray selection and impression material choices best suited for each patient procedure • Review various techniques/materials for fabricating provisional restorations • Develop a cementation/final delivery protocol based on the type provisional/definitive restorations • Apply new concepts within dental practice
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