The Preventive System: Move Your Prophylaxis to Another Level
Presenter: Susan Wingrove, RDH, BS
Release Date: 7/16/19
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 7/16/28
AGD Subject Code: 490
Reviewed: 2025
Discover the eye opening way that your daily prophylaxis appointments need to change with a biofilm focus for disease prevention. Patients with complex dentin; natural teeth, restorations and/or implants have slowly become the norm and now we need to address this challenge. New research, protocols, and bioactive products have been developed to take your prophylaxis protocol and home-care recommendations to the next level.
This CE webinar will cover the following: • A review of the current research and guidelines in biofilm focus care for disease prevention • Provide an understanding of what tools, technology, and products to use for natural teeth / implant restoration patients. • New biofilm focus care protocols for prophylaxis and home-care recommendations
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