New in 2022: Post-Pandemic Cements and Adhesives
Presenter: Dr. Peter Auster
Release Date: 2/4/22
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 2/4/28
AGD Subject Code: 780
Reviewed: 2025
Just when we needed it most, a whole new generation of cements and adhesives have made our dental world easier and more efficient! This lively CE webinar introduces simple-to-use, strong new products that help speed up our slowed-down world. More environmentally sound, with easier cleanups and less post-op issues. Dr. Auster presents us with newer and better tools for our dental future.
During this CE webinar, the participant will learn: • about the evolution of RMGI cements - finally, they are easy to use! • why total etch and self-etch are poor answers for our composites • why Zirconias and Lithium Disilicates are polar opposites • 5Y, 3Y, 5Y4Y, 5Y3Y - what the heck are they and how to cement them in
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