It’s Not You, It’s Your Saliva
Presenter: Amber Auger, RDH, MPH
Release Date: 3/30/22
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 3/30/28
AGD Subject Code: 730
Reviewed: 2025
When patients continue to have cavities, despite improvements of their oral health, it can be extremely discouraging. This can lead to the disruption of their oral health philosophy and creating the belief that “cavities are normal for me” or even “I just have soft teeth.” The pH of our patient’s saliva plays a vital role in the hard and soft tissues of their oral cavity. We have the unique opportunity to identify a patients’ specific risk and provide treatment recommendations accordingly.
During this CE webinar, we will • Review how the pH of the mouth influences calculus formation and periodontal disease • Discover powerful communication skills to increase the patient’s ownership of their current oral health • Evaluate pH testing for your office and how to implement it into a patient’s preventive visits
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